Saturday, March 31, 2007

Effie 2007

Alcoholic Beverages:
Leo Burnett for Bergenbier - New q-pack shape for smart guys

David vs. Goliath: Graffiti BBDO for Banca Romaneasca - The Guide

Durables: bronze, Graffiti BBDO for Logan - More space, more possibilities

Financial services: Headvertising for HVB Tiriac Bank - The loan for anything

Food products 1: Next Advertising & CAP for Salonta - Salonta

Food products 2: bronze, Leo Burnett & Target for Joe - Good luck with Joe

Image, social, nonprofit: GMP for Gabriel Rosia Montana - Gabriel has a solution for Rosia Montana

Media & entertainment: Headvertising for Gazeta Sporturilor - Smaller but handier

New product or service introduction: silver, BV McCann Erickson for Lowenbrau - Karl's Saga

Non food: Leo Burnett & Target for Tide - Super Mums

Others: GMP for UCPR - Cooked chicken doesn't harm

Pharmaceuticals: both silver, Propaganda for Fiobilin - Same Before and After, Ogilvy One for Ozone - It's What's Inside That Matters Most

Promotions FMCG* food: silver all three, Grey Worldwide for Golden Brau - To whom would you give 3 cars, Sister for Bucegi - Gather 100 euros in caps and win it instantly, BV McCann Erickson for Sprite - Promotions are won by the wrong people

Promotions FMCG non food: both gold, GMP for Coccolino - The towels invasion, Engines Servicii de Comunicare for Dero Surf - Dero summer edition

Promotions non-FMCG product: bronze, Publicis for Renault - Supermarket habits

Promotions non-FMCG services: Propaganda for Radio Guerrilla - The Bribe or the radio?

Renaissance: bronze, Publicis for Ursus - Evolution

Retail: bronze, Odyssey Communication for Fill & Go - Pay on your salary day

Telecommunications: Cohn & Jansen/Ashley & Holmes for Cosmote - Coverage

Aaaaaand... the Grand Effie goes to Headvertising for Gazeta Sporturilor - Smaller but handier

*FMCG = Fast Moving Consumer Goods


Stiu ca au aparut rezultatele de cateva zile, dar de abia azi am avut timp sa le si caut pe youtube. Am gasit 14 din 24. Mai mult de jumatate. :D

Effie masoara rezultatele campaniilor, acest lucru fiind principalul scop al publicitatii. Insa pot spune ca din toate astea, reclama mea preferata este cea de la Bergenbier cu noua forma de pet, manevrabila si cu o singura mana, iar cea mai proasta mi se pare cea de la Dero. Totusi are un jingle catchy... vine vara, bine-mi pare... de ce dracu inca mai fredonez asta?

In cautari am dat de o reclama tare pentru Re:publik.


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